Investor Warning

Warning about fraudulent communications that use the name of First Sentier Investors / First Sentier

First Sentier Investors is aware that from time to time, fraudsters will send out letters, text messages, faxes and emails targeting residents in the United Kingdom and abroad, using the name of First Sentier Investors or related companies in an attempt to entice them into handing over personal information or financial information.


How to identify fraud communications

The content of the fraudulent communications (sent either as a letter, email or fax) will often appear in one of the following forms:

  • The use of First Sentier Investors or related company’s name and branding
  • The author claims to be either ‘First Sentier Investors’ or an employee or director of First Sentier Investors
  • A request for the individual to participate in an investment opportunity or confirm their personal and financial details
  • A generic email address for the recipient (of the message) to respond to i.e. Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo and/or
  • A hyperlink for the victim to click on to learn more about the opportunity or confirm their details.

If you are an investor and receive an unexpected or unsolicited communication of this sort, please treat it with caution.


What should you do if you receive one of these communications

  • Do not respond to any of the email addresses, telephone or fax numbers enclosed in the communications
  • Do not click on any links also enclosed in the communications
  • Contact us on [email protected]
  • If you are concerned that you might have been a victim of fraud, please contact the police force or monetary authority within your country of residence.